MOOCs Multiple Choice Questions | UGC-NET Paper 1

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MOOCs Multiple Choice Questions | UGC-NET Paper 1
1. What does MOOC stand for?
2. Which of the following is a characteristic of MOOCs?
3. Which platform is known for offering MOOCs developed by Indian institutions?
4. Which type of MOOC emphasizes community and connection among participants?
5. MOOCs typically provide which of the following for a fee?
6. Which institution is associated with the creation of NPTEL?
7. Which Indian MOOC platform is developed by IIT Kanpur?
8. Which platform was founded by Harvard and MIT?
9. Which Indian initiative provides digital learning resources for teachers and students?
10. Which MOOC platform is known for its "Nanodegree" programs?
11. Which of the following is not typically a feature of MOOCs?
12. Which MOOC platform has a partnership with Google to offer IT support professional certificates?
13. What is the primary goal of MOOCs?
14. Which of the following is an advantage of MOOCs?
15. What does NPTEL stand for?
16. Which of the following is a disadvantage of MOOCs?
17. Which MOOC platform is a collaboration between the UK government and leading universities?
18. Which Indian initiative aims to provide high-quality e-content for post-graduate courses?
19. Which MOOC platform was founded by Sebastian Thrun?
20. Which of the following best describes xMOOCs?
21. What is the main focus of cMOOCs?
22. Which of the following platforms focuses on K-12 education?
23. Which platform offers "MicroMasters" programs?
24. What does SWAYAM stand for?
25. Which of the following statements is true about MOOCs?
26. Which platform is known for its collaboration with Ivy League universities?
27. Which MOOC platform offers courses in multiple languages, including Hindi and Spanish?
28. What is the main benefit of MOOCs for learners in remote areas?
29. Which organization launched the Digital India campaign that includes MOOC initiatives?
30. Which of the following best describes "blended learning" in the context of MOOCs?

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