Mock Test-I Answer Keys | Budding Forensic Classes

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Quiz Answers
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  1. b) Saprophytes
  2. b) Parasitism
  3. a) Plasmodesmata
  4. d) Eukaryotic cell
  5. b) 9 + 2
  6. a) Calvin cycle
  7. c) Nitrogen fixation
  8. a) Transpiration
  9. d) RuBisCO
  10. b) Rhizobium
  11. c) Transpiration
  12. b) Xylem and phloem
  13. c) Gibberellins
  14. b) Photosynthesis
  15. a) Turgor pressure
  16. c) Glycolysis
  17. d) Citric acid cycle
  18. b) Palisade parenchyma
  19. c) Spongy mesophyll
  20. d) Plasmodesmata
  21. b) Symplast
  22. d) Apoplast
  23. c) Leguminosae
  24. a) Stomata
  25. d) Root hairs


  1. a) \( U = \frac{q_1 q_2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r} \)
  2. b) Displacement is maximum
  3. b) \( mc^2 \left( 1 - \sqrt{1 - 0.01} \right) \)
  4. c) Both kinetic energy and momentum
  5. b) Newton's second law
  6. b) 11.2 km/s
  7. d) All of the above
  8. a) \( \frac{2}{5} MR^2 \)
  9. b) 680 Hz
  10. c) The displacement is maximum
  11. c) The angular momentum remains constant
  12. c) It may lie inside or outside the object
  13. a) \( X_L = X_C \)
  14. b) Directly proportional to the current
  15. c) They require a medium for propagation
  16. d) Alpha particle
  17. c) \( \frac{1}{8} \)
  18. a) \( E = \frac{hc}{\lambda} \)
  19. b) Intensity of the incident light
  20. b) Glass to air
  21. a) Decreasing the wavelength of light used
  22. b) -2.5 V
  23. c) 56
  24. c) It has a large number of free electrons at absolute zero
  25. b) The wavelength associated with a moving particle is inversely proportional to its momentum


  1. b) Azimuthal quantum number (l)
  2. a) [Ar] \( 3d^5 4s^1 \)
  3. b) Mg
  4. b) 2
  5. c) Fluorine
  6. c) \( sp^3 \)
  7. c) \( sp^3d^2 \)
  8. b) \( CO_2 \)
  9. b) The total energy of an isolated system is constant
  10. d) Viscosity
  11. d) The average kinetic energy of gas molecules is inversely proportional to the temperature
  12. c) The rate will be quadrupled
  13. b) \( Mn^{2+} \)
  14. c) \( NaCl \)
  15. c) +6
  16. d) \( HF \)
  17. a) Pentaamminechloridocobalt(III) chloride
  18. b) The half-life of the reaction is independent of the initial concentration
  19. b) \( CO_2 \)
  20. a) \( H_2O_2 \)
  21. b) 2-Butene
  22. a) \( HF < HCl < HBr < HI \)
  23. d) All of the above
  24. b) Benzene undergoes addition reactions readily
  25. a) 2-Propanol

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