Disguised writing and anonymous letters- Identification of writer

Budding Forensic Expert

Unmasking the Enigma: Decoding the World of Anonymous Letters

Disguised writing and anonymous letters- Identification of writer


In the labyrinth of communication, where words can be both a balm and a weapon, anonymous letters hold a unique place. These missives, devoid of any identifying information about their authors, traverse a wide spectrum of intentions and are often shrouded in disguise. From harmless notes to menacing threats, we delve into the motivations behind anonymous letters and the methods employed by their authors in this professional blog article. Additionally, we will explore the crucial aspects of identifying and authenticating such letters.

Classification based on Motives

Blackmailing Letters

At the sinister end of the spectrum lie blackmailing letters, which demand monetary compensation under the shadow of exposing secrets or inflicting harm. For such letters to be taken seriously, they typically adhere to certain criteria:

  1. A financial demand within the victim's means.
  2. Clear instructions for transferring the money.
  3. A subtle or explicit reason for the demand.
  4. A promise that compliance with the current demand will conclude the matter.

Threatening Letters

While threatening letters are fairly common, their categorization can be complex. Some threats are credible, aimed at invoking fear, while others are so exaggerated that implementation is improbable. On occasion, a threatening letter may contain a "planted" clue designed to shift blame onto an innocent party.

Letters of Revenge

A desire for vengeance often fuels anonymous letters. These may include "tip-off" letters intended for authorities or organizations, exposing alleged wrongdoings in the hope of creating conflicts. These letters are also commonly used as threats by blackmailers.

Letters of Recommendation

Remarkably, some anonymous letters deploy allegations of wrongdoing or inefficiency to discredit others with the sole aim of recommending someone else. These letters may harbor hidden agendas, emphasizing the recommended individual's character and efficiency.

Spiteful Letters

Spiteful letters, driven by malice, often feature abusive language. These anonymous letters offer an outlet for venting frustration and hatred, making them challenging to investigate.

Classification into Groups of Common Authorship

Identifying a common author among anonymous letters is a challenge. However, certain factors may point towards the work of a single person:

  • Consistency in writing style.
  • The personality reflected through phraseology.
  • Similar ideas expressed in the letters.

While these factors can establish a connection among multiple letters, it's vital to consider the various methods of disguise employed by the writer.

Collection of Material for Investigation

Collecting evidence is paramount in the quest to unveil the authors of anonymous letters. The more letters from the same source, the higher the likelihood of identifying the author. Investigators should subtly inquire whether similar letters have been received by the victim's acquaintances. Additionally, the victim themselves may be the author, requiring discretion and caution.

Unopened Letters

Unopened letters are invaluable evidence. Safeguarding them for examination can be pivotal, as they may contain fingerprints, odors, or other clues that would be lost once the letter is opened.


Preserving envelopes and wrapping papers is also critical for examination, as foreign objects or other evidence may be hidden within.

Hidden or False Clues

Writers of anonymous letters may plant false clues to incriminate innocent individuals. These clues should be assessed in the context of other, more reliable evidence.

Disguised Handwriting

Disguised handwriting is a prevalent technique used by anonymous letter writers to evade identification. Even in disguised writing, unique subconscious habits often betray the author's identity.

Method of Examination for Authentication

Identifying the author of anonymous letters relies on comparing similarities and differences in writing styles. Experts can distinguish between natural variations and those attributed to different writers. Lack of spontaneity, evident effort, and the delicate balance between remaining concealed and pursuing a vendetta can serve as revealing signs of an anonymous letter writer.


Deciphering the world of anonymous letters is an intricate process that requires an understanding of the diverse motives driving their authors and the myriad methods used to conceal their identities. With meticulous investigation and expert analysis, it is often possible to unveil the senders and bring them to justice. Ultimately, the ink trail left behind by the author's unique subconscious habits becomes the path to the revelation of their true identity, shining a light in the darkest corners of anonymity.


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