Mission Forensic: Reconnecting the Hearts

Budding Forensic Expert
Mission Forensic: Part 5 | Milik Ahmed | Budding Forensic Expert

Mission Forensic: Reconnecting the Hearts

-Milik Ahmed 

In the days following the party, Shawn's sense of isolation continued to weigh heavily on him. As a student of Bachelor of Forensic Science in the university, he found solace in his studies but felt disconnected from his once inseparable group of friends. Edward and Catherine's relationship had inadvertently created a rift, leaving Shawn feeling adrift in the sea of academia.

One day, as Shawn was leaving his Ballistics class, he bumped into a fellow student named Ahana. They had crossed paths before but hadn't really interacted. Ahana, who had noticed Shawn's despondency, decided to seize the opportunity to strike up a conversation and offer her support.

"Hey, Shawn," Ahana said with a warm smile. "I've noticed that you seem a bit down lately. Is there something on your mind?"

Shawn paused, surprised by Ahana's perceptiveness and genuine concern. He opened up about his feelings of loneliness and how he felt disconnected from his friends since Edward and Catherine became a couple.

Ahana listened attentively, understanding the weight of Shawn's emotions. She thought for a moment and then suggested, "Shawn, I think it's essential to express your feelings to Edward and Catherine. They might not even realize how their relationship has affected you. Communication is key in any relationship, even friendships. Give them a chance to understand and make amends."

Encouraged by Ahana's advice, Shawn decided to take her advice and talk to Edward and Catherine. However, as fate would have it, before he could initiate the conversation, Edward and Catherine independently realized their unintentional oversight.

They spent an evening together, reflecting on their relationship and how it had inadvertently distanced them from Shawn. Both Edward and Catherine understood the significance of their friendship with Shawn and didn't want him to feel left out or betrayed.

The following day, Edward reached out to Shawn, inviting him for a walk near the campus. Shawn accepted, curious about what Edward wanted to discuss.

As they strolled along the pathway, Edward spoke up, his voice filled with sincerity. "Shawn, I wanted to talk to you because I've realized how our relationship has affected our friendship. I don't want you to feel left out or forgotten. Your friendship means the world to me, and I value it immensely."

Shawn's heart swelled with relief as he listened to Edward's words. "I appreciate you saying that, Edward. I've been feeling a bit disconnected lately, and it means a lot to hear that you care about our friendship."

Edward continued, "Catherine and I both feel the same way. We never intended for you to feel this way, and we want to make things right. We want to include you more in our plans and ensure that you feel valued and appreciated."

Catherine, who had been waiting a short distance away, joined them, her eyes filled with sincerity. "Shawn, we're truly sorry if we made you feel left out. You're an important part of our lives, and we want to make sure our friendship remains strong despite our relationship."

Shawn felt a wave of gratitude wash over him as he realized the depth of their care and understanding. "Thank you both for acknowledging how I've been feeling. I want our friendship to remain strong too, and I appreciate your effort to make that happen."

From that day forward, Edward, Catherine, and Shawn actively worked on reconnecting their hearts and reestablishing their close bond. They made a concerted effort to involve Shawn in their activities, whether it was studying together, organizing group outings, or simply spending quality time together.

As the trio rekindled their friendship, Ahana's presence continued to provide Shawn with support and understanding. Over time, their own connection deepened, and they discovered a newfound appreciation for each other.


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  1. Interesting plot 💛 keep up the good work

    1. Thank you so much for such a Lovely Comment 😍 That’s really inspiring 🥰

  2. It that really fiction 🤔 I don't think so 🙂🙃

  3. By the way thanks for beutiful story

    1. Aww😍😍 Thank you so much for such a kind appreciation 👏🏻

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