Mock Test 3 Answers | Forensic Science Mock Test

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  1. Forensis

  2. Law enforcement investigation 

  3. Astronomy 

  4. 16th Century 

  5. Physic Evidence 

  6. Telekinesis 

  7. Fingerprints 

  8. The chronological documentation of evidence

  9. All of the Above 

  10. Forensic Entomology 

  11. Forensic Anthropology 

  12. Forensic Toxicology 

  13. Pedology

  14. Serology 

  15. To collect and analyse evidence

  16. Obtaining a confession

  17. To determine the admissibility of scientific evidence in court

  18. Gunpowder particles

  19. entomology

  20. physical evidence

  21. impact pattern

  22. osteology

  23. anthropology

  24. Plastic impressions

  25. Iron 

Explanation for Q.25

(The presence of iron is used to determine the age of a document through ink dating. The iron gall ink, which was commonly used in Europe from the Middle Ages until the 20th century, contains iron salts that oxidize over time and cause the ink to change color from blue-black to brown. This change in color can be used to determine the approximate age of a document.

In addition to the oxidation of the ink, ink dating also involves other chemical and physical techniques such as chromatography, spectrometry, and microscopy to analyze and compare the ink samples.

The technique of ink dating is often used in forensic investigations to determine the age of a questioned document or to determine whether two documents were written with the same ink. It can also provide valuable information in historical research.


National Institute of Justice. (2018). Ink Analysis. Retrieved from


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