General Forensic Mock test 1 Answer with Explanation | Budding Forensic Expert

Budding Forensic Expert


1.A 17-year girl suffers from vitriolage, then accused is punishable under which section?

Ans:  Section 326 in The Indian Penal Code

Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means—Whoever, except in the case provided for by section 335, voluntarily causes grievous hurt by means of any instrument for shooting, stabbing or cutting, or any instrument which, used as a weapon of offence, is likely to cause death, or by means of fire or any heated substance, or by means of any poison or any corrosive substance, or by means of any explosive substance, or by means of any substance which it is deleterious to the human body to inhale, to swallow, or to re­ceive into the blood, or by means of any animal, shall be pun­ished with 1[imprisonment for life], or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.

2.Burtonian lines are seen in which chronic poisoning?

Ans: Burtonian line is a classic symptom of chronic lead poisoning that appears as stippled blue colored lines on the gingival surface of teeth. It is also called Burton’s lines. There are other color variants of burtonian lines which may be due to mercury.

3.The maximum amount of lead is found in?

Ans: In cases of chronic exposure, lead often sequesters in the highest concentrations first in the bones then in the kidneys. According to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, a blood lead level of 10 μg/dL or above is a cause for concern.

4.Heroin contains:

Ans: Heroin is a crude preparation of diamorphine. It is a semisynthetic product obtained by acetylation of morphine, which occurs as a natural product in opium: the dried latex of certain poppy species (e.g. Papaver somniferum L.)

5.Nail polish remover contains the following toxic substance?

Ans: Acetone:

Acetone is a clear, harsh-smelling, and highly inflammable liquid.

Acetone (C3H6O), also called propanone, is a ketone and it is the main constituent of nail polish remover.

Acetone is used as a constituent liquid in medicine and cosmetics companies and is also used for the manufacturing of plastics and fibres.

6.Banknotes are printed at following places except :

Ans: In India the paper money was introduced in 1770 by the Bank of Hindustan, Calcutta. While the Bank of England introduced currency notes in 1862. In India, Printing of currency notes was first started by the Government Security Press, Nasik which was established in 1928. In 1934 Reserve Bank of India (RBI) took control over it. Presently there are four units related to the manufacturing of Indian Currency Notes, which are:

(1) Indian Security Press, Nasik

(2) Bank Note Press, Dewas

(3) New Bank Note Press, Mysore

(4) New Bank Note Press, Salboni (WB)

The Security Paper for the manufacture of bank notes is manufactured by Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh). The Currency Note Press, Nasik prints banknotes by Wet Offset Process while the Bank Note Press, Dewas prints the same by a sophisticated process known as Intaglio Printing Process. The basic difference between the two processes is that, the former is a PlanoGraphic process which leaves no indentations of printing on the paper, whereas in the latter process it also leaves no indentations on the paper, but the inked areas are in respite and can be felt by hand or seen under the microscope.

Handwriting of an individual affected by?

Ans: Neurological 

There are many factors that may affect the handwriting. Correct answer in this question is Neurological 

8.Mummification refers to :

Ans: Desiccation of a Dead body

(to embalm and dry as or as if a mummy, to make into or like a mummy, to cause to dry up and shrivel, to dry up and shrivel like a mummy.)

9. Father of Forensic Toxicology ?

Ans: Mathieu Joseph Orfila

10. Ballistics is the Study of?

Ans: Projectile.

Ballistics, science of the propulsion, flight, and impact of projectiles. It is divided into several disciplines. Internal and external ballistics, respectively, deal with the propulsion and the flight of projectiles.

11.Antibody that can pass across the placenta is?

Ans:IgG is the only antibody class that significantly crosses the human placenta.

12.ABO Blood is discovered by?

Ans: Karl Landsteiner

It was not until the year 1900, when Karl Landsteiner at the University of Vienna, discovered why some blood transfusions were successful while others could be deadly. Landsteiner discovered the ABO blood group system by mixing the red cells and serum of each of his staff.

13.Identify the following Fingerprints:

Ans: Plain Whorl

Whorl: In whorls, generally have more than two deltas (delta is the first ridge adjacent to the divergence point of two type lines) and there exists a recurve before reaching each delta.

Arch: Arches are found in about 5% of fingerprint patterns encountered. In arches, the ridges of the finger run continuously from one side of the finger to the other with no re-curving. It is imperative to state that the Arches doesn’t have any Type Lines, Deltas or Cores.

Loop: A Loop is a type of pattern in which one or more ridges enter either side, recurve, touch or pass an imaginary line between delta and core, and tend to exit from the same side as the ridge entry.

Central Pocket Loop: It consists of a whorl embedded in a loop formation. An imaginary line drawn between the deltas will not intersect a circle. It is a subtype of Whorl.

14.Any object that contains handwriting or typescript and whose source or authenticity is in doubt is referred to as?

Ans:Any object with handwriting or print whose source or authenticity is in doubt may be referred to as a questioned document.

15.Fingerprint impressions that are not readily visible are called ?

Ans: Latent Print

(Latent: existing, but not yet very noticeable, active or well developed)

Latent prints are formed when the body's natural oils and sweat on the skin are deposited onto another surface. Latent prints can be found on a variety of surfaces; however, they are not readily visible and detection often requires the use of fingerprint powders, chemical reagents or alternate light sources.


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