White Collar Crime |Forensic Science Notes | Budding Forensic Expert

Budding Forensic Expert


White Collar Crime

White Collar Crime | Budding Forensic Expert 

  • It is a Non-Violent Crime

  • It’s committed by the person of High Social Status during the Course of their Occupation.

  • It’s also called the “The Educated People’s Crime”

  • It causes Financial Loss to the Country.

  • It is mainly committed by those Higher Class people who are involved in reputed professions like Medical, Engineering, Lawyers etc.

  • Example: 

    • Making False Medical Certificates by Doctors.

    • Sex determination of Child by Doctor on compulsion of the Patient to gain Money.

    • Fabrication of False Documents.

    • Bribery: To give a bribe to specifically to ask a person to do something usually against his/her will in exchange of some type of rewards or relief from potential troubles.

    • Embezzlement: The Fraudulent conversion of property from a Property owner.

    • Bank Fraud

    • Tax Aviation

  • However Government of India passed several act to prevent White Collar Crime,  they are as follows__

  1. Companies Act (1950)

  2. Income Tax Act (1961)

  3. Prevention of Corruption Act (1988)

  4. Information Technology Act (2005)

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  • Features of White Collar Crime:

    1. Victims often suffer the effect of White Collar Crime without even meeting the perpetrator.

    2. Offenders are not physically present or at work during the crime while victims are present and unaware of the offender's action.

    3. It is the essence of indirect form of Theft.

      (Comment down your doubts or any suggestions)


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