Forensic Linguistics and Stylistics | Question Document Notes | Budding Forensic Expert

Budding Forensic Expert
1 minute read

What is linguistic?

  • Linguistics is the systematic study of language

  • Forensic Linguistics is the application of Linguistics knowledge and methods for the purpose of investigation.

  • Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. It entails a comprehensive, systematic, objective, and precise analysis of all aspects of language, particularly its nature and structure.

  • Forensic Linguist studies dialects,grammar, sentence construction, Phonetics etc to determine the authenticity.

What is Language?

  • Language is the association of the combination of sounds, words, and sentences to conventional meanings used and understood by a group of people. 

Forensic Stylistics: 

  • Stylistics examines cases of questioned authorship. Forensic applications of methods for determining authorship are related to cases requiring the linguist to determine 

(1) if all the writings in a questioned set were authored by one person, 

(2) if a questioned writing was written by one of the number of possible authors, or 

(3) if a questioned writing was or was not authored by one writer who is proposed as the suspect author based on external nonlinguistic evidence.

  • Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that applies the hypotheses and tactics of modern linguistics to the study of style. Stylistics is the field that studies the use of language and the style of language used. Forensic stylistics is the application of language knowledge and its methods and insights to the forensic context of law, language, criminal investigations, judicial proceedings, and judicial proceedings.

  • Stylistics is generally to evaluate either the aesthetic quality or the prescriptive conformity of language used in speech or writing. Esthetic observations of style in written language reflect a reader’s impression of excellence of expression. Prescriptive observations reflect how well the writer has followed stated rules of the language for correct writing and the social rules for good writing

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