Mission Forensic: The Quest for the Perfect Dress



Mission Forensic | Part 2 | Budding Forensic Expert

Mission Forensic: The Quest for the Perfect Dress

Three months had slipped away, and with the passage of time, the bond between Catherine and me had grown ever stronger. We found ourselves sharing more than just our lunchboxes. From long hours spent studying together in the library to planning weekend getaways, there was little we didn't do side by side.

In our little trio, Shawn played the crucial third role. Allow me to introduce Shawn Elizabeth. No, he didn't hail from royalty in Queen's Family, but he possessed a certain charm and decency that set him apart. Shawn hailed from Ohio, United States. His father had been stationed at the US Embassy in Delhi for the past eight years, making him almost a half-Indian in spirit. But I digress; let's return to our story.

Shawn, Catherine, and I had become the talk of the department. Our trio, forged in the fires of shared mentalities, quirks, and an undeniable uniqueness, felt like a reunion with childhood friends long lost.

As three more months slipped through our fingers, we became more acquainted with the campus. It was a journey that often felt unreal, unlike any other college experience. There were no senior-initiated hazing rituals or overly strict professors haunting us outside the lecture halls. Here, the seniors and professors were friendly and approachable, a true blessing for newcomers like us.

The time had come for our department's fresher's party, an event we were eagerly anticipating. Catherine and I decided to go shopping for the occasion. We rushed to the nearest mall and entered Raymonds. After an hour of patient deliberation and multiple trial runs (mostly for Catherine's satisfaction), we finally settled on a suit that we both liked.

The real challenge, however, was finding a dress that met Catherine's meticulous standards. After two exhaustive hours of scouring the stores, we came up empty-handed. I suggested a different approach, something unique and out of the ordinary.

"Cathie, why don't we head to Safdarjung? Perhaps we'll find something truly special there."

"I'm already exhausted, and I don't feel like going to Safdarjung right now," she replied.

"Come on, Cathie! I have something in mind; that's why I'm suggesting it."

After some convincing and the promise of a treat at her favorite restaurant, "Oh! Assam," an authentic Assamese eatery (she had a profound love for Assamese cuisine), she finally agreed to the adventure.

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