Enquête-The Mahatyam | A dramatic version of Abduction in Ramayana | Department of Forensic Science | Sharda University

Budding Forensic Expert


Enquete-the Mahatyam

"Enquete-The Mahatyam"

- Milik Ahmed

After a week of hard work,practice, countless Rehearsals finally we entered the big day, our main Event day, "Enquete-The Mahatyam"

A story of àbduction in Ramayana, where Sita was abducted by Ravana while she was in exile staying in a small hut called Koothiya accompanied by her Husband Ram and Brother in law Laxman.

The cruel Ravana, king of Demons abducted Sita by entering the house with a transformed appearance of a Mahatma, But her husband Lord Rama saved her from the Demon king and celebrated the day as Diwali.

We the Department of Forensic Science, Sharda University had put our investigative mind into the story and tried to show and explain the whole story from the Forensic Perspective, without hurting the sentiments of believers and without any disturbance to the actual story of àbduction in Ramayana,

The whole Department put their best effort to make the event a successful one. 

Support from the Dean, the coordinators Ms. Ishika Bhardwaj, Ms. Anjali Malik and Dr. Vandana Prasad put life into the event by their kind and great mentoring the soul of the event was established. 

From Script Writing to the Final act in the Event, all the students of Department of Forensic Science of Sharda University gave their best efforts to make the event a successful one.

"Enquete-The Mahatyam '' started with a beautiful "Saraswati Vandana" along with the lightning of Diya by Dean, Dr. Sally Lucose along with other dignitaries.

Execution of Dramatic version of àbduction of Sita was done beautifully and then spot light turned into the Forensic Science where  they showed the involvement of knowledge of Forensic Science to find out and confirm the abduction of Sita,

They collected the evidence like Struggle marks, Hair Samples, Broken Bangles etc from the Primary Crime scene that is from the Koothiya of Sita and then moving forward to the secondary crime scene where the Investigation Officer recorded "Dying declaration" from Jatayu in the Presence of Magistrate, under “Section 32 (1) of Indian Evidence Act.

The next evidence that is collected by the Investigation Officer is the Oral Testimony of Sugreev under Section 60 of Indian Evidence Act along with physical Evidence of Jewelries of Sita that has been dropped into the Jungle while the Demon king, Ravana was Taking her away in her Viman.

The Play ends with a beautiful dance and "Prasad" distribution along with High Tea.

Overall a beautiful event organised by the Department of Forensic Science, Sharda University.

Few Snapshots From the Event:


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