Footprints and Gait Pattern 👣 | Forensic Physics| Milik Ahmed

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 Footprints and Gait Pattern👣


• The impression left by foot or shoe is known as Footprint

• Footprint is a mark foot/shoe left on any surface by any human

• Footprints of animal is known as pawprint or hoofprints

• The height of the wearer may be roughly estimated by measuring the stride length and shoe size.

- Foot length is about 15% of a person's height.

Footprints give information about:

• Wear patterns and individual characteristics

• Sex, height, and weight of the wearer

• If the person was carrying a heavy object or running

• Number of suspects

• The number of criminals 

• Points of entry and exit

• Position of the suspects 

• Direction of movement through the crime scene.

• Time period 

• Sequence and manner (walking, running, limping, staggering)

• The type, size and areas of wear on the shoes.

Class and Individual Characteristic:

Class characteristics are not unique, however they can narrow the pool of possible shoes:

- Size

- Style

- Tread pattern

Individual characteristics such as cuts, cracks, embedded objects, and wear patterns help to identify a specific shoe.

Importance Of Footprint:

1. The footprint of individual is unique and Can be used for identification

2. Footprints give information about the type and manufacturer of Shoe, Size of Shoe, Gait pattern of the Person etc.

3. Monozygotic Twins can also be identified by the footprint

4. Footprints give valuable information regarding Pathology and individual characteristics of a Person.

Gait Pattern:

• Rhythmic, cyclic movement of limb in relation to the trunk resulting in Forward propulsion of the Body is called Gait.

• Period from one heel strike to next heel strike of same limb is known as Gait Cycle.

• Cadence: It is measured as the number of steps/sec or per minute

• The walking style/pattern of a person is known as Gait Pattern.

• Walking involves balance and coordination of muscle so that the body is propelled forward in a Rhythm called Stride.

Determinants Of Gait:

1. Pelvic Rotation

2. Pelvic Tilt

3. Knee and Hip Flexion

4. Knee and ankle interaction

5. Lateral Pelvic displacement

6. Trunk and Shoulder Rotation

Types of Gait:

Gait is basically classified into two categories:

1. Normal Gait

2. Abnormal Gait

Normal Gait:

The normal walking of a person is known as Normal Gait. It requires strength, balance, sensation and Coordination

Abnormal Gait:

The abnormal walking of a Person or deviation of walking from normal Gait because of injuries, underlying conditions, or problems with the legs and feet is known as Abnormal Gait.

Cause of Abnormal Gait:

(i) illness

(ii) Genetic Disorder

(iii) injury

(iv) Abnormalities in legs or feet

Types of Abnormal Gait:

1. Spastic Gait

2. Scissor Gait

3. Steppage Gait

4. Waddling Gait

5. Propulsive Gait

Pathological Gait:

There are eight basic Pathological Gait that can be attributed to neurological Conditions;

       1. Hemiplegic

       2. Spastic diplegic

       3. Neuropathic

       4. Myopathic

       5. Parkinsonian

       6. Choreiform

       7. Ataxic (cerebellar)

       8. Sensory

• These abnormalities in gait pattern can also be helpful in the Crime Scene Investigation.

(Written by: Milik Ahmed, Bachelor of Forensic ScienceS; ShardaUniversity)


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